NAM Institute for the Empowerment of Women (NIEW) dan Sekretariat Pemerkasaan dan Pembelaan Wanita Islam (SENADA), dua buah agensi di bawah Kementerian Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga dan Masyarakat akan menganjurkan sebuah seminar bertajuk Kepimpinan Wanita Dari Perspektif Islam dengan matlamat utama untuk menghilangkan salah tanggapan bahawa Islam melarang wanita menjadi pemimpin. Pemahaman yang jelas ini akan membolehkan lebih ramai lagi wanita menduduki tampuk kepimpinan tertinggi di sektor awam dan swasta.
Butiran seminar ini adalah seperti berikut:
Tarikh : 29 April 2011 (Jumaat)
Masa : 8.00 pagi – 5.00 petang
Tempat : Institute of Islamic Thought and Civilization (ISTAC), Bukit Tunku, Kuala Lumpur
Atur Cara:
Seminar Kepimpinan Wanita Dari Perspektif Islam
Tarikh : 29 April 2011 (Jumaat)
Masa : 8.00 pagi – 5.00 petang
Atur Cara
8.00 a.m. Pendaftaran Peserta dan Sarapan Pagi
9.00 a.m. Ketibaan YB Dato’ Sri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil, Menteri Pembangunan Wanita, Keluarga &
9.05 a.m. Ucapan Alu-aluan oleh YBhg. Datuk (Dr.) Rafiah Salim, Pengarah NAM Institute for the
Empowerment of Women (NIEW)
9.10 a.m. Ucapan Perasmian oleh YB Dato’ Sri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil
9.30 a.m. Slot 1 – Pembentangan oleh YBhg. Prof. Dato’ Dr. Mahmood Zuhdi Abdul Majid
Perbincangan Hukum Wanita Sebagai Pemimpin
10.30 a.m. Minum Pagi
11.00 a.m. Slot 2 – Pembentangan oleh YBrs. Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd. Asri Zainul Abidin
Perjuangan Memartabatkan Wanita Melayu
12.00 p.m. Makan Tengah Hari dan Solat
2.45 p.m. Slot 3 – Pembentangan oleh Yang Berusaha Dr. Maszlee Malik
Prinsip Tadbir Urus
3.45 p.m. Slot 4 – Pembentangan oleh YBrs. Prof. Madya Dr. Mohd. Azam Mohd. Adil
Kepimpinan Wanita dari Sudut Perundangan dan Syariah
4.45 p.m. Minum Petang dan Tamat
Penceramah jemputan untuk program ini adalah Yang Berbahagia Profesor Dato’ Dr. Mahmood Zuhdi Abdul Majid (ISTAC), Yang Berusaha Profesor Madya Dr. Mohd Asri Zainul Abidin (USM), Yang Berusaha Profesor Madya Dr. Mohd. Azam Mohd. Adil (UiTM) dan Yang Berusaha Dr. Maszlee Malik. Semua mereka ini adalah nama-nama besar dalam bidang agama di Malaysia. Menariknya, semua panel ini adalah lelaki.
Seramai 250 orang peserta dijangka akan menyertai program ini. Penyertaan adalah percuma dan bersifat first come first served. Pendaftaran boleh dilakukan melalui e-mel ke
Sekian, Terima Kasih.
Warmest Regards,
Azmil Abrar (Mr.)
Assistant Director
NAM Institute for the Empowerment of Women (NIEW)
Level 16, Wisma Sime Darby
Jalan Raja Laut
50350 Kuala Lumpur
Tel : 603-2614 3013/012 - 611 1490
Fax: 603- 26910344/ 0340
Monday, April 25, 2011
Public Lecture: The Golden Web: Islam and Globalization
A Public lecture on The Golden Web: Islam and Globalization
Venue: IAIS Malaysia, FREE Adminission (pre regisration preferred) at
Date: 27th April 2011 (Wednesday)
Time: 09:30am - 11:30am
Speaker: Mr Paul (Ahmed) Keeler, Foundation Director, The Golden Web (
Moderator: Emeritus Professor Datuk Dr. Osman Bakar, Deputy CEO, IAIS Malaysia (
The Golden Web is a project that seeks to harnesses the internet to connect people and institutions around the world around the story of globalization. In particular it is to tell the story of Islam's contribution to the development of global civilization and how Islam can continue to provide solutions to contemporary challenges such as climate change and sustainable development.
About the speaker
Ahmed Keeler is an Englishman who currently lives and works in Cambridge. He was the principal organizer of the first World of Islam festival in London in the 1970s. This was a seminal event that showcased the brilliant spectrum of Islamic civilization into the Western public imagination. He has lectured extensively in different parts of the Muslim World on this topic. Over the last 10 years he has been working with a team of specialists on the Golden Web project which promises to catalyze public understanding and appreciation of Islamic civilization - both in the past and for the present.
For more information please contact IAIS Malaysia;
Venue: IAIS Malaysia, FREE Adminission (pre regisration preferred) at
Date: 27th April 2011 (Wednesday)
Time: 09:30am - 11:30am
Speaker: Mr Paul (Ahmed) Keeler, Foundation Director, The Golden Web (
Moderator: Emeritus Professor Datuk Dr. Osman Bakar, Deputy CEO, IAIS Malaysia (
The Golden Web is a project that seeks to harnesses the internet to connect people and institutions around the world around the story of globalization. In particular it is to tell the story of Islam's contribution to the development of global civilization and how Islam can continue to provide solutions to contemporary challenges such as climate change and sustainable development.
About the speaker
Ahmed Keeler is an Englishman who currently lives and works in Cambridge. He was the principal organizer of the first World of Islam festival in London in the 1970s. This was a seminal event that showcased the brilliant spectrum of Islamic civilization into the Western public imagination. He has lectured extensively in different parts of the Muslim World on this topic. Over the last 10 years he has been working with a team of specialists on the Golden Web project which promises to catalyze public understanding and appreciation of Islamic civilization - both in the past and for the present.
For more information please contact IAIS Malaysia;
Friday, April 22, 2011
Date : 22 – 24 April 2011
Time : 8am-10pm
Place : The Royale Chulan Hotel, Kuala Lumpur (
Date : 22 – 24 April 2011
Time : 8am-10pm
Place : The Royale Chulan Hotel, Kuala Lumpur (
Monday, April 18, 2011
Public Lecture: The Future of Islamic Civilisation (al-Hadarah al-Islamiyyah) in the 21st Century
Public Lecture: The Future of Islamic Civilisation (al-Hadarah al-Islamiyyah) in the 21st Century
Speaker: Sheikh Abd.Rahman Ibn Abdul Aziz As-Sudais
Head of Imam, Masjidil Haram, Mecca, Saudi Arabia.
Date: Wednesday, 20th April 2011
Time: 09:45 am - 12:00 pm
Venue: IAIS Malaysia (, Jalan Elmu, Off Jalan Universiti, 59100 Kuala Lumpur.
Organised by IAIS Malaysia & Department of Islamic Development Malaysia (JAKIM)
FREE Admission (regisration required) at
**** Note: This lecture will be delivered in Arabic with English translation ****
About the Speaker
Sheikh Abdul Rahman Ibn Abdul Aziz as-Sudais, a Saudi world renown qari, is the Chief Imam of the Masjidil Haram (Grand mosque), Mecca. Born in Saudi Arabia, Imam as-Sudais belongs to the Anza clan. At the age of 12, he memorized the Holy Quran and studied in the Al Muthana Bin Harith Elementary School. He graduated in 1979 with excellence from the Riyadh Scientific Institution.
He studied in Riyadh University and received a Bachelor’s degree in Sharia in 1983 and a Master’s degree from the Sharia College of Imam Muhammad bin Saud Islamic University in 1987. In 1995, he obtained a Ph.D in Islamic Sharia from Umm al-Qura University while working there as an assistant professor after serving at Riyadh University. Sheikh As-Sudais is known for his excellent Quranic recitation.
In 2005, he was the recipient of the 'Islamic Personality of the year' award at the 9th Annual Dubai International Holy Quran Award in recognition of his devotion to the Quran and Islam. When accepting the award in Dubai, he said: "The message of Islam and Muslims is modesty, fairness, security, stability, sympathy, harmony and kindness."
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Sheikh Imran Nazar Hosein is a leading International Islamic Philosopher, scholar and author. Specialising in world politics, economy, modern socio-economic/political issues and expert on international affairs. He is the author of the best-selling, Jerusalem in the Qur'an - An Islamic View of the Destiny of Jerusalem.
DATE : 15th APRIL 2011 (FRIDAY)
TIME : 08.00 PM
Shaykh Imran Nazar Hosein was born on the Caribbean island of Trinidad in 1942 to parents whose ancestors had migrated from India as indentured labourers. He studied Islam, philosophy and international relations at several universities and institutions of higher learning. Among them are Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, the Institute of International Relations of the University of the West Indies in Trinidad, the University of Karachi in Pakistan, the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in Karachi, Pakistan, and the Graduate Institute mof International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland.
He worked for several years as a Foreign Service Officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago. He lived in New York for ten years during which time he served as the Director of Islamic Studies for the Joint Committee of Muslim Organizations of Greater New York. He lectured on Islam in several American and Canadian universities, colleges, churches, synagogues, prisons, community halls, etc. He also participated in many inter-faith dialogues with Christian and Jewish scholars while representing Islam in USA.
He is a former Principal of the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in Karachi, Pakistan, Director of Research of the World Muslim Congress in Karachi, Pakistan, Director of the Islamic Institute for Education and Research in Miami, Florida, and Director of D'awah for Tanzeem-e-Islami of North America.
He has written more than a dozen books on Islam that have invariably been received with public respect. Among his books are 'The Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham - Islam and Future of Money', 'Dreams in Islam - A Window to Truth and to the Heart, 'A Muslim response to the Attack on America', 'Jerusalem in the Quran', 'The Religion of Abraham and the State of Israel - A View from the Qur'an', 'One Ameer, One Jamaat - The Organization of a Muslim Community in the Age of Fitan', 'Islam and Buddhism in the Modern World', 'The Prohibition of Riba in the Qur'an and Sunnah', 'The Importance of the Prohibition of Riba in Islam', 'The Strategic Importance of the Fast of Ramadan and Isra & Mi'raj', 'The Qur'anic Method of Curing Alcoholism and Drug Addiction', 'George Bernard Shaw and the Islamic Scholar', 'Surah al-Kahf: Text, Translation and Modern Commentary', 'Surah al-Kahf and the Modern Age', 'Signs of the Last Day in the Modern Age', 'The Islamic Travelogue' and 'An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern Age'.
Sheikh Imran Nazar Hosein is a leading International Islamic Philosopher, scholar and author. Specialising in world politics, economy, modern socio-economic/political issues and expert on international affairs. He is the author of the best-selling, Jerusalem in the Qur'an - An Islamic View of the Destiny of Jerusalem.
DATE : 15th APRIL 2011 (FRIDAY)
TIME : 08.00 PM
Shaykh Imran Nazar Hosein was born on the Caribbean island of Trinidad in 1942 to parents whose ancestors had migrated from India as indentured labourers. He studied Islam, philosophy and international relations at several universities and institutions of higher learning. Among them are Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, the Institute of International Relations of the University of the West Indies in Trinidad, the University of Karachi in Pakistan, the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in Karachi, Pakistan, and the Graduate Institute mof International Studies in Geneva, Switzerland.
He worked for several years as a Foreign Service Officer in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Government of Trinidad and Tobago. He lived in New York for ten years during which time he served as the Director of Islamic Studies for the Joint Committee of Muslim Organizations of Greater New York. He lectured on Islam in several American and Canadian universities, colleges, churches, synagogues, prisons, community halls, etc. He also participated in many inter-faith dialogues with Christian and Jewish scholars while representing Islam in USA.
He is a former Principal of the Aleemiyah Institute of Islamic Studies in Karachi, Pakistan, Director of Research of the World Muslim Congress in Karachi, Pakistan, Director of the Islamic Institute for Education and Research in Miami, Florida, and Director of D'awah for Tanzeem-e-Islami of North America.
He has written more than a dozen books on Islam that have invariably been received with public respect. Among his books are 'The Gold Dinar and Silver Dirham - Islam and Future of Money', 'Dreams in Islam - A Window to Truth and to the Heart, 'A Muslim response to the Attack on America', 'Jerusalem in the Quran', 'The Religion of Abraham and the State of Israel - A View from the Qur'an', 'One Ameer, One Jamaat - The Organization of a Muslim Community in the Age of Fitan', 'Islam and Buddhism in the Modern World', 'The Prohibition of Riba in the Qur'an and Sunnah', 'The Importance of the Prohibition of Riba in Islam', 'The Strategic Importance of the Fast of Ramadan and Isra & Mi'raj', 'The Qur'anic Method of Curing Alcoholism and Drug Addiction', 'George Bernard Shaw and the Islamic Scholar', 'Surah al-Kahf: Text, Translation and Modern Commentary', 'Surah al-Kahf and the Modern Age', 'Signs of the Last Day in the Modern Age', 'The Islamic Travelogue' and 'An Islamic View of Gog and Magog in the Modern Age'.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Saturday, April 9, 2011
The 2011 Arab World Revolt: Its Possible Effects on The Palestine-Israel Conflict
The 2011 Arab World Revolt: Its Possible Effects on The Palestine-Israel Conflict |
![]() A Public Lecture organised by IAIS Malaysia with the cooperation of Friends of Deir Yassin, Malaysia Venue: IAIS Malaysia, admission is FREE Date: 12 April 2011 (Tuesday) Time: 10:15am - 12:30pm Speaker: Dr Franklin Lamb Dr. Franklin Lamb is the director of the Americans Concerned for Middle East Peace, Beirut-Washington DC, Board Member of the Sabra Shatila Foundation and a volunteer with the Palestine Civil Rights Campaign, Lebanon. He has been actively involved in defending the rights of Palestinian refugees in Lebanon. He is the author of The Price we Pay: A Quarter-Century of Israel’s Use of American Weapons Against Civilians in Lebanon and is doing research in Lebanon for his next book. More information? |
Friday, April 8, 2011
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Saturday, April 2, 2011
Panel Discussion on The Media, Human Values, Ethics and Morality: The Challenging Issues
A 1/2 Day International Seminar with a FREE admisison co-organise by IAIS Malaysia, Malaysia-Turkish Dialogue Society, Karangkraf Sdn Bhd, Fountain Magazine, USA on Panel Discussion on The Media, Human Values, Ethics and Morality: The Challenging Issues at
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